Bagtouch was founded and has provided leather restoration since 2006. In Southeast Asia, only Bagtouch was licensed for Leather Restoration service and leather chemical products from GBSC, a high-standard leather restoration company and well-known in Europe, since 2010.
Bagtouch has a high skill in the restoration of complicated cases to provide an effective consulting service to support Bag Spa Shops all over the world.
Bagtouch has supported chemical products and a consultant to bag spa shop brands, and many bag spa franchises.
Bagtouch has been entrusted to take care of luxury leather brands.
Our Product and offering
High quality as European tannery standard.
A variety of chemicals, cover all the leather problems such as cowhide cleaning/vachetta leather cleaner, leather paint, pre-mix designer bag paint instantly, and shoes paint.
Innovative technology, easy to use with systematic instruction. We also provide leather restoration knowledge in the website at www.bagtouchintergroup.com or other communication channels, email, live chat (Line, WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger)
We offer Sharing Knowledge about leather Cleaning, Leather paint procedure, Leather Cleaning Solutions or other leather repair tips in many social media channels, youtube, web articles, TikTok, etc.
Provide Bag Spa training for many countries.
In the year of 2023 we also provide the corporate onsite flagship store leather maintenance. Our leather specialist team will available for late-night service without the effect on daytime selling activities. You will wake up to see a sparkling clean and new look on your leather furniture in your shop to keep on the luxury brand image and last long your leather furniture in overnight.
According to the reasons, Bagtouch becomes a high reputation and wide usage amount bag spa shops at both local and international levels. Let us support your business!
Currently, our head office is located at Bagh Khen, Bangkok, Thailand.